Our Services

We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.
— Richard Rohr

Typing Interview

In this introductory session we will spend between 60 and 90 minutes in a typing interview to discern your Enneagram type.

The Typing Interview is helpful as a stand alone session for your self awareness, but also provides a framework for next steps that can become foundational for your journey with the Enneagram.

Individual Coaching Packages

Professional and Personal Coaching through the lens of the Enneagram. 

6 session packages available. 

Marta's passion is coaching individuals through inner growth and development, communication skills with the lens of the Enneagram, leadership topics as well as avoiding burnout in leadership.

Team Workshops

Leadership workshops can be designed in many ways. 

From Enneagram typing to communication skills, team trust building, creativity and risk taking, blind spots of a team and optimizing your leadership skills, group workshops can bring effective communication skills, increased productivity and increased job satisfaction among employees. 

Through understanding self-development through the lens of the Enneagram, Marta can help bring more self-awareness and additional respect and compassion among team members.

Couples and Family

Couples and Family Enneagram Assessments and Coaching: 

On a personal level, increased self-knowledge and individual growth path always help the family function better. 

Marta can help identify challenges between family members and improve your interpersonal relationships at home. Through communication skills, compassion and empathy as well as understanding one another's type in your family. 

Coaching is not therapy and therapy is the best context for marriage and family crisis.  Coaching is most helpful for relationships well before the crisis points.   Marriage and Family Sessions come in 6 week packages.